Sunday, 19 May 2019

Lego Marvel Avengers (Endgame) 76125; Iron Man Hall of Armor: You know you're rich when this is your wardrobe

Ever since Iron Man 1, and especially Iron Man 3, there has been one set Marvel fans and MCU fans have been wanting for a very long time. The Hall of Armours, a place where Tony Stark stores all of his suits, creates new ones and deploys them as needed. It's an iconic location that people have been wanting to see in Lego form for a long time, especially thanks to all the Iron Man variants there has been over the years. Now that it's been a few weeks since the movie came out, I don't feel bad by saying that this wasn't in Endgame, however, it does fill a role that I hope Lego continue with going forward, but more on that later.

Sunday, 12 May 2019

Lego Marvel Avengers (Endgame) 76124; War Machine Buster: I see that hatred against knees is still a thing.

Thanks to the combined interest in Bionicle and Exo-Force (probably the only thing I've been interested in that has a connection to Gundam), I've been interested in Lego Mechs. I enjoy seeing mocs that people create online, to seeing what Lego creates officially. The only problem is that official mechs nowadays have been struggling in the movement department. While it's understandable because these are still for kids, I get frustrated when I see mechs with unmoveable limbs, stuck in a single position for all time. It was my biggest issue with the Hulkbuster from the Infinity War line, and to spoil it quickly, it looks like War Machine got it even worse.

Monday, 6 May 2019

Lego Marvel Avengers (Endgame) 76123; Captain America Outrider Attack: Oh my god what's wrong with your face?

Yes, it's an old meme, but a fitting one.

Where would MAYvel be, without reviewing Marvel Cinematic Universe Lego sets? Or rather, where would MAYvel be without reviewing Lego Marvel sets in general, because with the exception of that Spider-Man wave which I don't plan to get even though I want those minifigs, the Lego Marvel Superheroes line is now just Marvel Cinematic Universe. Not complaining of course, especially because the large gaps including the Fantastic 4, a lot of the Mutants and any inhuman not named Mrs Marvel, are probably going to be filled in eventually due to how self-sustaining this thing has become. It'll honestly be interesting to see what happens now that Avengers Endgame has come out, to see if it is as self-sustaining now that the events that happened in it did happen. I won't be spoiling anything about Endgame here, including how accurate the sets are in the movie, all that I will say is that there are sets that never appear in the movie. Shall we begin?