Anyway, I wanted to do something different this year. Instead of ranking toys in separate lists, I wanted to do a single post cataloguing some of my favourite toys of the year in no particular order. Are these toys all objectively the best? No, but they're enjoyable for different reasons. I've sorted them into categories for you; feel free to skip through to what you're interested in. With that out of the way:
Monday, 2 January 2023
Best Toy Prchases of 2022
Anyway, I wanted to do something different this year. Instead of ranking toys in separate lists, I wanted to do a single post cataloguing some of my favourite toys of the year in no particular order. Are these toys all objectively the best? No, but they're enjoyable for different reasons. I've sorted them into categories for you; feel free to skip through to what you're interested in. With that out of the way:
Sunday, 24 October 2021
Hasbro Pulsecon 2021 Day 1; Transformers Legacy: THEY REMEMBERED THE S IN GENERATIONS!!!
Welcome to the two-part recap of Hasbro Pulse Con for 2021. For those who want to see a full recap of the two days, unfortunately, I won't be able to provide that as some brands that I'm interested in either won't do well here or likely won't do well here based on number tracking from the first sight. Other brands, on the other hand, like Power Rangers and Fortnite (brands I'm not interested in), will probably be me going, "it looks fine?". As such, Part 1 is focused on Transformers; Part 2 will be focused on G.I. Joe (and potentially NERF, if for no other reason than curiosity on how they can show off NERF guns in this style...) Anyway, onto the reveals.
The opening parts of the Transformers section were focused on external brand elements, with things like game tie ins, new games, and a walk through attraction. For the two people in the world who wanted a crossover between Transformers and Smite, that is apparently going to be a thing. Missed opportunity not having God Neptune and King Poseidon in the crossover. Actual God Neptune and Transformers God Neptune would be a fight I'd want to see! The only thing of real note was the trailer for Transformers Beyond Reality, a VR experience for Playstation VR and Steam VR. However, the reason it's of note is because of the sluggish animation. The fight between Optimus and Megatron at the end of the trailer felt more like one of those old Street Fighter/ Mortal Kombat knock-off games, thanks to that slow, sluggish feeling. Considering as it's launching soon, I doubt it is going to be improved by release. Another thing to bring up is the release of the Transformers Devastation Soundtrack, which, if I heard right, is coming out September 5th next year? Maybe that's a teleprompt issue, as they seemed to have problems with it during that section of the stream. Perhaps it was a typo? If it's right, though, did they need to try and hype up a soundtrack that, based on how fast the internet handles game soundtrack rips, people likely already have access to? It would have been an excellent time to announce a sequel or a re-release on current hardware, but apparently, that's not happening. Strange.
For the toy reveals, I was expecting a full-wave reveal. Legacy (given that name because they're going to be doing new toys for other characters outside of G1) will follow the release structure of Kingdom, with Core Class, Deluxe Class, Voyager Class and Leader Class being the main wave structure. From previous years in the War for Cybertron trilogy, we've become accustomed to 2 Core Class figures, 4 Deluxe Class figures. 2 Voyagers and 2 Leaders making up case assortments. Usually, this doesn't mean that all of those will be brand new toys, but for Earthrise and Kingdom, the bulk of Wave 1 was new figures, only the second Leader being a re-release (Astrotrain for Earthrise, Optimus for Kingdom). Here, we got to see the four Deluxe Class figures, one of the Voyagers and the Leader, leaving a good chunk of the wave missing. If this was to give Studio Series some attention, I could understand that, but no, it didn't happen. Time limits for the stream maybe? Anyway, for reveals, we got a new G1 Skids, G1 Drag Strip (with a tease of Menasor on the horizon), Transformers Prime Arcee and G1 Kickback as our four wave 1 Deluxes. Prime Bulkhead for the Voyager showed off, and G2 Laser Rod Optimus Prime was the new Leader Class toy revealed. Out of the three G1 figures shown, I love the look of Kickback the most; it's a nice upgrade from his Titans Return release. My only hope is that Bombshell and Shrapnel are just as good because the last releases of the team didn't look great together. Skids looks fine; I often find G1 Skids to look a bit dull, so a G1 faithful Skids isn't exciting for me. Drag Strip seems decent, but without seeing the other Stunticons, it's hard to judge him on his own. I am a little concerned about the sizes of the Deluxes when compared to the past War for Cybertron trilogy, they seem to be smaller, but it's hard to tell based on how the stream was shot.
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You know, just a few differences... |
Prime Arcee and Bulkhead. I'm torn on these two, Bulkhead more so than Arcee. With rumours floating around the line bringing other characters together, people assumed it would be more faithful to the sources for those characters. It's not an unreasonable assumption to make, as Generations has previously been focused on bringing new versions of G1 and (in this past year) Beast Wars characters that are modernizations of their original designs. Seeing that kind of care put into more modern designs was an exciting idea. Unfortunately, what we're getting isn't a modernization of those designs but rather a G1ification of those characters. The issue I have with that is the marketing. If it was presented as "Hey, we're designing a new Bulkhead that's inspired by Generation 1 design cues", I would be fine with that; it's not a bad design for Bulkhead after all. But because they're explicitly saying that this is meant to be Transformers Prime's Bulkhead, I'm expecting something more in line with his Transformers Prime design. Arcee is better off in this regard. Except for a more squarish face, it's a lot closer to the Prime Arcee design; it's what many, myself included, were expecting. As for Laser Rod Optimus? It looks cool, but I'm more excited for it inevitably turning into a new version of Robots in Disguise (2001) Scourge.
The new play pattern for the year revolves around combinable Energon weapons. Their implementation on individual figures seems to be well-executed (the use of Arcee's front tire in particular as an Energon weapon was an excellent use of an otherwise useless part in robot mode); I wish they showed they showed off how some of them connect together. With this apparently being line-wide for all classes, though, it does lend credence to my theory regarding leaked listings for the line. There are some figures later on in the line labelled as "Energon Monsters". With this weapon pattern reminding me so much of the Energon weapons from Transformers Energon, I think there's a decent chance of the Energon Terrorcons getting new toys in the future (something I'd be interested in seeing as those designs are fun for army builders).
When the event was talking about the toys, the event was okay. There are just some things I wish they would improve on when it comes to this direct to consumer marketing strategy. Things like showing off the whole wave of figures (I was hoping to see that Voyager Blaster) and not focusing so hard on one line per stream. I hope we're not waiting long to learn more. I'll cover the Pulsecon exclusives in some way, shape or form later, but for now, I'll be back later today to talk about the Day 2 content.