Wednesday 20 February 2019

News Roundup: Toy Fair News Part 5: Lego

Time to wrap up Toy Fair news. These posts are by all means not all of the reveals, there's just too many to talk about, and most of it doesn't exactly excite me. I mean, I could talk about the Overwatch collectible figures, Marvel Legends and Star Wars figures, but I don't really collect those kinds of things. Not much to talk about with Nerf's Overwatch and Fortnight guns because, at the end of the day, those can be summed up as "Yep, it's a Nerf gun". Even the Monopoly Gamer for Overwatch can be boiled down to "Yep, it's another version of Monopoly". I have got two Lego Sets waiting for reviews that are coming soon though, they should only be a few weeks away. With that said, what was revealed? (Images sourced from )

I'll hold off on the big reveal for the end, and start things off with the Jurrasic World Legend of Isla Nublar, a line that looks to be (to my knowledge, I don't keep up to date on Jurrasic Park news), a line of original concepts based in the Jurrasic Park/ Jurrasic World story (it's the only reason I can give for Chris Pratt's character riding a drone in one set, and then another has a T-Rex fighting a Dinosaur shaped mech. It's more Lego Jurassic World sets and is clearly a fill in while they work on getting more of the rights to the older movies, and wait for the next movie. I'm not really interested in the Jurassic World sets because I don't really care about the Lego Dinosaurs, as the only one that really interests me are those baby Raptors, something that I can get from the second-hand market on their own.

Toy Story 4. This is another line where the most I can come up with is just "ehh?". It looks like they're under NDA with Pixar to try and hide as much stuff about the movie as possible, as some of these sets don't even have names, and as for the sets themselves, nothing about them really interests me, and due to the nature of this being a movie tie in, it's hard to know how much of a role these play in the movie. For all I know, the rollercoaster could be a half hour action sequence where Buzz and Woody are riding RC to make sure they don't get crushed by defective Rollercoaster carts as a reference to something like The Smiler (been watching a lot of videos on theme park history lately...). The Pixar animation style doesn't really transfer well to Lego though, and this was something that kept me from getting any of the Incredibles 2 sets as well, They just look off to me.

Star Wars. 20 years of Lego Star Wars and so far, it's kind of underwhelming. I'm a Star Wars fan. I'm a Lego fan, but the reason why they haven't really intersected for me is that it feels like a lot of the same now. I swear I've seen most of these sets in at least the last 3-4 years, and I know it hasn't even been that long for something like the Slave 1. There are some that look interesting, the Black Ace TIE Interceptor looks cool, and the Action Battle sets do look like they could be a lot of fun, as they appear to be like a two-player tabletop game to see who can hit all of their targets first. But the 20th Anniversary sets just bore me honestly, because the only thing special about them is a set of minifigures you can find in the sub-line, each one based off the original minifig incarnation of that character. Maybe I'd care more about Anakin's Pod Racer if they did more of the Pod Racers other then Anakin and Sebuba's, that way one could potentially do a Pod Race display.

Finally, there's a brand new line introduced at NYTF, Hidden Side, an Augmented Reality based line with a horror theme, where sets can be used alongside a phone app to play augmented reality games. While I'm not a fan of these set names, I do find the concept to be really cool, and the sets themselves are very interesting. It looks like there's going to be a lot of Glow in the Dark elements, and thanks to this being an original IP, it could be pretty cheap for a line like this. I'm curious to see how well the phone app works, and if the app development got added to the cost of the sets (and how much was added), but it's certainly something I'm interested in. Would make for a good set of Haloween reviews.

And with that, I'm done with Toy Fair news. Sunday's going to be another Titans Return/ Siege double hit, but in a few weeks, I'll have some new Lego for you. For some new heroes are on the way to the two sites, and I'm not talking about the ones on the silver screen.

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