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Skullgrin and Liege Maximo |
Wave 1 consisted of three characters. Skullgrin of the Decepticons, Cloudburst, and Metalhawk of the Autobots. And right off the bat, these are basically the exact same Pretender Shells, just smaller. They didn't try and improve the engineering of the original Shells, but I don't find that to be a problem as the shells now are a lot smaller, if they were the same size as the original pretenders or scaled around the current size classes I'd be saying something completely different as I'd at least expect elbows and maybe wrist swivels. but for something about a head taller then a Lego Minifigure, I'm ok with the limited mobility. All of them have a weapon that connects to their backs with little friction nubs that you can take off and plug into their hands... and they are comically oversized for them. The only one who can kind of get away with it is Skullgrin and his claw weapon, but Cloudburst and Metalhawk's gigantic guns are so big that they'd probably blow their whole arms off if they tried firing them. There are reasons why they're so big, but I'll come back to those. There's a lot of really nice sculpting and paint details on these three, with my personal favorite in this department being Metalhawk's nice mix of Red, Blue, and Yellow, with lots of silver and even some metallic blue on the gun. However, these are just the shells, and the shells hide secrets.
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Cloudburst and Micronus Prime |
One thing Power of the Primes is going for is mashing the two major gimmicks of Combiner Wars and Titans Return. And while the influence of Combiner Wars is pretty obvious at this point, the Titans Return influence might not be until you see these three. The Pretender Shells (now known as Decoy Armour) are the replacement of the Titan Master class toys of Titans Return, a class that came with an extra Titan Master head and a little vehicle the Titan Master interacted with. The Decoy armor replaces the vehicle, and the Prime Master replaces the Titan Master. Liege Maximo, the master manipulator, comes with Skullgrin. Micronus Prime, the first Mini-Con, comes with Cloudburst, and Vector Prime, the guardian of space and time, comes with Metalhawk. These three are repaints of Titan Masters but instead of faces on their backs, they have the symbols of the primes they represent on their backs, and I will admit they are cool little symbols. As a result of them being repaints of Titan Masters, they can do everything a Titan Master can do including:
- Ride on or in any of the Titan Master class vehicles
- Ride in or on Titans Return Legends Class figures and Power of the Primes Legends Class figures (yes this does include Skrapnel though I'll explain that one in a few months when I get back to Transformers)
- Ride inside any Titans Return Deluxe, Voyager or Leader Class figure
- Become the head of any Titans Return Deluxe, Voyager or Leader Class figure
- Interact with the base modes of any Titans Return Leader or Titan Class figure
- Plug into Titans Return Overlord's chest (however like when plugging Titan Masters in, the chest can't close around the Prime Masters
- Be eaten by Titans Return Trypticon
- Plugged into any Power of the Primes Deluxe, Voyager or Leader class figure
- Plug into the hands of any Power of the Primes Combiner that come with the Deluxe Class figures
- Plug into the feet of any Power of the Primes Combiner that comes with the Voyager Class figures
- Plug into the Power of the Primes Combiners instead of the Enigmas that come with the Voyager Class figures
- Replace the matrix core of any Matrix of Leadership that comes with any Power of the Primes Leader Class figure
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Metalhawk and Vector Prime |
For the price point they're at, they are fine little toys. They're small, basic, great as small pocket money toys for kids, and it is good to see some older collectors get into the new versions without ripping them a new one (Need I say more then Volcanicus?). Do I think they'll make every Pretender in this new style? Probably not. There are at least over 30 of them, and we only have a promise of 11 at most, 12 if we're lucky and they finally drop the charade about who the 13th Prime is (Onyx Prime comes with Predaking, which is why the numbers might sound off for you doing the math). Still, its a neat idea and it does make me wish they'd go and do Micromasters again (I actually have a pitch idea for that if anyone is curious, or a third party company is looking for something to help it stand out). To see the Mega Man 3 review from the main site, check here: https://mediaholicreviews.blogspot.com.au/2018/03/mini-mega-man-marathon-march-mania-mega_21.html and coming up next week is the first Lego Set review... which while originally was going to be the Sanctum Sanctorum, is now potentially going to change, and what it changes into is up to you! By going here: https://www.strawpoll.me/15336306 you can vote for something to potentially take its place.
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